Common Furnace Problems You’ll Want to Take Care of Before Winter Arrives

A busted furnace is the last thing any homeowner wants to deal with during the cold winter months. While there could be hundreds of reasons why your furnace is not working, there are certain issues that are more common than others. Some issues are easy fixes that any homeowner can make on his or her own while others are more advanced and will require the help of a professional heating repair service in Toms River, NJ.


Clogged Filters

When an air filter becomes clogged with dirt, dust, and pet hair, it prevents the furnace from receiving proper ventilation which causes it to work harder to heat your home. The harder your furnace has to work, the more money you’ll have to spend to heat your home this winter. The recommended amount of time between filter changes will depend on the size of your home and how much you use your furnace, but generally, air filters should be changed at least once a month.


Thermostat Malfunctions

A faulty thermostat is a known culprit for causing furnaces to overwork and heating bills to skyrocket. If you notice that your heating system is cycling more often or a fluctuation in your home’s temperature, it may be time to upgrade your thermostat. We recommend installing a smart thermostat because it will allow you to monitor your home’s energy usage.


Advanced Issues That Will Require the Help of a Professional


Ignition Issues

“My furnace won’t turn on” is a common problem we hear about from our customers. If you have a modern furnace, the issue may lie with your unit’s ignition system. Problems with an ignition system can range from a broken safety switch to failed computer boards. No matter what the issue may be, it’s always best to let an HVAC professional make the repair.


Belt & Blower Issues

 If you hear a high pitched sound coming from your furnace, you probably have issues with your unit’s belt or blower. Since blower and belt issues produce similar symptoms, you should let a professional inspect, diagnose, and resolve the issue for you.


If your home’s heating system is not working properly, there is still enough time to take advantage of our heating repair services in Jackson, NJ, before winter arrives. Call us today at 855-788-TEMP!

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