Prepare Your Home for the Months Ahead by Turning on the Heat Now

While it might feel as if summer is here to stay, before you know it the leaves will change colors and fall will mark its arrival. There’s nothing worse than being unprepared for winter when it comes to heating your home. That first night when the temperatures drop is not the time to be scrambling for a heat source. So, why not be proactive and get an edge on your winter preparations with a few tips about heating your home?

At Care Temp Heating and Air Conditioning, we know what it takes to get our customers prepared for winter. What some customers don’t realize is that heating a home can be hazardous because of the many variables. Some people have wood fireplaces, others have gas fireplaces, and still others have electric or gas heat. Turning on a furnace after several months of inactivity can be a shock to your home heating system. With a few quick tips, however, you can have your home ready for winter in no time!

One tip is to keep a fire extinguisher next to your furnace or heating system at all times. Another tip is to turn on your heat source before the first cold night hits. After all, you don’t want to wait until it’s below freezing outside to turn on the heat. If you’re a customer who needed air conditioning in Brick this summer, then you might also need heating assistance this winter. At Care Temp Heating and Air conditioning, we provide a variety of heating and air conditioning services for customers all over Ocean County.

After you’ve turned on your heating system, check to see if there are any unusual smells. If anything smells like it is burning, check the heating system and turn it off immediately. If there is no fire, but it still smells like something is burning, simply wait to see if the smell dissipates. If the smell lingers, then you definitely need a heating tune-up, which Care Temp Heating and Air Conditioning can provide.

Listen to the heating system. Is it noisy? Does it sound like it’s struggling? If so, you might need a maintenance check. Check the walls for vibrations and be sure to check your carbon monoxide detector. If the alarm sounds and the reading is above thirty, then call for an inspection.

Want to schedule maintenance for your heating system? Call us! Customers who need air conditioning contractors in Brick, New Jersey, can always call us for both summer and winter needs!