Remember the days when a flashy paint job and a few after-market accessories for a vehicle was everyone’s desire? Shows like Pimp My Ride and Trick My Truck were a huge hit for awhile. A new trend is emerging and it is one that CareTemp LLC finds particularly interesting. With all of the advances in modern technology, the way people can interact with their homes and various electronics changes every day. It seems like only yesterday when a touch screen was a remarkable and innovative discovery. Now, a touch screen is standard on almost every cell phone and many other devices. In fact, many property owners are now opting to “trick-out” their HVAC systems.
CareTemp LLC has been offering boiler repair in Ocean County and heating repair in Freehold for over two decades. The professionals at CareTemp LLC have seen some fantastic innovations in HVAC capabilities over the last few years. Several products are now available to consumers who want their HVAC systems to have features and capabilities far beyond the “auto fan” option. Nowadays, people want to be able to control everything from their phone or tablet. In fact, Apple has released a high-tech thermostat called Nest. The Nest thermostat is extremely cool and practically has a brain of its own. One of the most interesting features is the automatic scheduling capability. The Nest system will learn the temperature settings that the user finds most comfortable and adapt an energy-saving schedule around that learning.
The Nest is fully controllable through Wi-Fi capability. Nest can also work in conjunction with an app from the Apple store. Plus, a bunch of other great features, including monthly energy reports, auto-away mode, humidity sensors, and much more. Apple isn’t the only one offering products like Nest. In fact, Xfinity and ATT are both offering property owners increased ability to manage their HVAC systems. Xfinity offers a service called home automation. The home automation service allows for control of lights and energy from anywhere with internet access. ATT offers a similar service called digital life where users can customize and control all of their energy sources.